I think we're seeing the religion attempting to go mainstream from the rank and file level. The GB have instituted some cosmetic changes in a bid to make the religion more appealing to young people - Kaleb and Sofia cartoons for the kids; encouraging the use of electronic devices at the meetings; soft-rock and pop music videos on JW broadcast, ...
Many JWs are as a result pushing the envelope in terms of engaging in more liberal behavior that would have been frowned upon decades ago. More and more dubs are taking the religion less religiously and more socially. Memorial bread parties are symptomatic of the phenomenon.
One of two things is going to happen soon:
- The GB is going to do a 180 turn and tighten the reins a bit to squelch growing trends toward watering down and liberalizing the religion.
- The GB is going to allow the liberalizing to continue and JWism will slowly water down more and more into a social club until eventually it loses it's extremist flavor altogether and become like the Catholic church.